"Please Sir, I Want S'More"

August 26, 2009

As the school year is getting closer and the inevitable school orientations and back to school play groups and play dates are happening, it seems like everyone that I've talked to has gone to Hershey Park at some point this summer. And why not, there does seem to be something there for kids of all ages...rides, games and even some other treats.

Senor Food, one of the biggest kids I know (and I say that lovingly!) shares one of his favorite Hershey memories which just happens to be food related...

Senor Food:
"Let's start with the ultimate Hershey treat...and when I say ultimate, I mean it- the S'more. I hope most of you have experienced this culinary masterpiece previously. Now a regular S'more is made with 2 Graham Crackers, a marshmallow and a square of chocolate. In Hershey Park, they do things a little differently and while change isn't always a good thing, in this case it is a great thing! They use 2 giant sized soft, fresh chocolate chip cookies and in between they pack 10 marshmallows and 1 full Hershey bar!!! I recommend sharing it as it is just too rich to consume alone. The one problem is that you need to be inside the amusement park to purchase one so if you include that in the cost, it unfortunately does make this tasty treat kind of expensive, but in my opinion it is well worth it! If you find yourself in Hershey, this is not to be missed. Arriba!"

If you haven't made it to Hershey yet, it is not too late- they are open lots of weekends throughout the fall and I hear they have great Halloween and Christmas celebrations or there is always next year! www.hersheypark.com

Happy Trails!

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