Wines Til Sold Out

January 3, 2009

Being a new blogger, and a self-proclaimed foodie and wine lover, I spend as much of my free time as possible reading websites, blogs, magazines and books on these subjects in hope of finding notable recipes, wines and restaurants that I can share with all of you.

As I was web-surfing, I came across something that I couldn’t wait to share: It is an on-line DISCOUNT wine store that announces 1 wine per day (all variations and prices) that will be on sale until 11:59 pm the same day. The available quantity of each wine varies and if a wine runs out they post a new one with a maximum of three within one day. The best part is that they are at a 30-70% discount and sometimes have free shipping. You can either check the site from time to time or you can sign up to automatically receive an e-mail alert each day telling you what the wine for that day is. See their site for all the additional details.

I don't know about you, but I am excited!!! Personally, I am afraid that I will become a "Wines Til Sold Out" addict, though I have been able to show a little restraint so far.

Hope your glass is always half full!

(I do want to give credit where credit is due… Wines Til Sold Out was featured on the website According to their site, they originally came across it as an advertisement in NY Magazine.)


Anonymous said...

Hey! The blog looks great! Just wanted to say hello.
Love, Jean

Foodie said...

Thanks for checking it out!